Happy New Year Vondelingers,

On 27th December a fire started on a farm not far away on the Voor Paardeberg. It went on until the 2nd of January and very nearly took our house. A small amount of our vines were damaged and the whole mountain burnt just about.

Above is where it started and then it quickly spread. The Fire brigade arrived, and they then called in the helicopters and the fire was pretty much extinguished…..but not quite. The helicopter’s had to stop when it got dark at around 8.00 p.m. Unfortunately, the wind got up again and by mid-day on Thursday 28th December the fire started raging again and heading right for us.

The fire came very close and some of our vines got badly scorched. The helicopter pilots were truly amazing, as were the firefighters and our incredibly brave workers who fought the fire at close quarters with their tractors and spray pumps.

A picture of our old tasting room and production cellar where the fire chiefs set up their operation centre for the latter days of the fire.

We thought this weather would put an end to the fire but it didn’t.

Our harvest started last Thursday, 25th January, with some very lovely Sauvignon Blanc. We then picked Chardonnay on Saturday and Monday. Then this morning we picked Pinotage.

Winemaker, Emile van der Merwe and cellar assistant, Tyron Alkaster, are about to press Merlot for our Rose 2024.

Here is Matt with his first basket of the season.

Winemaker Matthew took delivery of more egg-shaped concrete tanks from France. This will be our 3rd vintage using these tanks.

Meanwhile over at the new farm our Scape restaurant, Tree bar, and tasting room have been extremely busy, especially at weekends. Be sure to book.

Finally, this little fellow was returned to the wild unharmed.

Until next time, stay cool and enjoy some of our delicious chilled wines in the shade!

Take care