Greetings Vondelingers

Well, there goes another year. The wettest year on our records. See the table below, but the unusual rain in February and March made the grape harvest challenging to say the least.

But all things considered, it has been an amazing year for us at Vondeling, and of course, the major event for us has been the opening of our new restaurant, SCAPE, on Vrymansfontein, along with our new Tasting room.

To the right is a wonderful little Facebook post from Mike Ratcliffe of Vilafonte and Chairman of the Stellenbosch Wine Route.

We also had a wonderful rating for our 2022 Vondeling Babiana in the London Times on December 2nd, from their illustrious head wine critic Jane Macquitty.

We are very privileged to have the Anglican Bishop of Saldanha Bay, The Right Reverend Raphael Hess, taking our Christmas service at Vondeling, on Christmas Morning at 9.30 A.M.  The Bishop consecrated the Church 10 years ago. ALL VISITORS WELCOME!

Finally, have the most wonderful Christmas and all the best for 2024!