Greetings Vondelingers

We have been picking grapes and almonds like mad. We finished picking whites last Thursday and starting on the reds today (Merlot and Malbec).

Winemakers Matt and Emile have both been busy receiving grapes in their respective cellars this morning. Emile’s have been picked with the machine and Matt’s have been hand-picked.

Meanwhile, we have been hand-picking almonds from our young 3-year-old trees and laying them out in rows to dry. After about a week we pick them up with our new machine and deliver them to the processing factory in Robertson.

Earlier this month we had a few of our larger English customers stay for a few days. We showed them around the various vineyards, wineries, and barrel stores . We tasted new vintages and discussed market strategy going forward. Always a very interesting and enjoyable few days.

We took them up the mountain for a sundowner. Also, we  saw some amazing re-growth beginning to happen after the devastating fire at the end of December.

This time next month the harvest will be over and we will be able to rest! Have a great month and remember to visit our new restaurant and tasting room at Vrymansfontein.

Enjoy the sunshine!
