Greetings Vondelingers.

Everything is continuing to grow like mad here and on 15th November we had our 1st scorching day of the summer. 39 C! But we have had some really marvellous events since my last Newsletter. The opening of our new restaurant (Scape) and tasting room, at Vrymansfontein, was a very memorable day. The food is absolutely delicious and the setting is dramatically spectacular. Please try and visit us there soon.

Vrymansfontein owner

To the left is a picture of Anthony and Max Ward on the opening day at Vrymansfontein, who are responsible for the amazing new venue/restaurant and the Vondeling Tasting room.

The Awards for the 2024 John Platter Wine Guide were held at the Mullineaux’s wine farm at Riebeek Kasteel last Friday. We were dead chuffed to win Best Red Wine (Bordeaux Blend Category) for 2024. A very fine achievement.

Matt award

While Matt was receiving all the adulation down here, I was tramping the streets of Johannesburg, meeting customers and presenting at wine dinners. We had a wonderful evening helping to raise money for the incredible charity Hearts of Hope and the following evening a dinner for the Johannesburg Country Club.

Then my wife Bridget and I had to fly up to Skukuza to visit the More group’s Lion Sands game parks and Safari Lodges to give 4 tastings over 4 days in 4 different lodges. Someone has to do it! It really was amazing and you will find a good selection of our wines in all the Lodges, which really are quite breathtaking. Ivory Lodge, Narina Lodge, Tinga Lodge and River Lodge. Google Lion Sands Game Reserve

We saw some amazing animals in between our presentations to guests and staff.

Finally, I had to nip over to England to see my Mum to celebrate her 100th birthday. We had a little family gathering where she still lives and where I was born and brought up in Hampshire.

Have a great build-up to the Christmas season and take care
